A lifelong student of the arts, Secondfloor found a natural home in the rope bondage world. With a background in sculpture and performance art, Secondfloor finds that rope bondage is the perfect medium to create compelling pieces of dynamic performance art blending sculptural elements with raw, primal emotion.
Secondfloor enjoys using a variety of methods of control and restraint to create interesting, beautiful, and grotesque shapes and emotions with his bottoms, but he is equally at home using the various elements of BDSM to showcase the unique strengths and abilities of each of his bottoms.
For Secondfloor, photography is a method of documenting the temporary and fleeting nature of BDSM play as well as the wide array of emotions that can be drawn out in the vulnerable spaces of BDSM play and kinbaku. He considers shame, humiliation, degradation, and suffering to all be beautiful feelings to capture in his work.
Secondfloor is passionate about kink education in general and rope education specifically. A list of classes that Secondfloor is available to teach or co-teach with gaping_lotus is available.